Ticket Q254058
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display a field as bold

created 15 years ago

How do I decorate a field or a label with display attributes eg. Bold, Font size change etc.

Comments (1)
DevExpress Support Team 15 years ago

    Hi Jeejee,
    To accomplish this task, you should access (in a platform-dependent manner) the layout manager using the DetailView.LayoutManager property.
    In a WinForms application, you should override the WinApplication.CreateLayoutManagerCore method, and return a custom WinLayoutManager descendant. In the custom WinLayoutManager override the CreateControlItem method, and adjust the LayoutControlItem.AppearanceItemCaption property members. Alternatively, in a detail view controller you can handle the WinLayoutManager.ItemCreated event, and adjust layout item properties. For example:

    public class ViewController1 : ViewController { public ViewController1() { TargetViewType = ViewType.DetailView; } protected override void OnActivated() { base.OnActivated(); WinLayoutManager lm = ((DetailView)View).LayoutManager as WinLayoutManager; lm.ItemCreated += new EventHandler<ItemCreatedEventArgs>(lm_ItemCreated); } void lm_ItemCreated(object sender, ItemCreatedEventArgs e) { LayoutControlItem item = e.Item as LayoutControlItem; if (item == null) return; item.AppearanceItemCaption.Font = new System.Drawing.Font(item.AppearanceItemCaption.GetFont(), System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold); } }

    In a Web application, changes can be applied at the time the layout item is being created by creating a descendant of the LayoutItemTemplate, and assigning it to the WebLayoutManager.LayoutItemTemplate property.
    Please also refer to the following examples:
    How to highlight the focused editor in DetailView,
    Change css for specific group,
    How can I change a layout group caption in a web controller?.

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