Ticket Q238852
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HP / Mercury Quick Test Pro (QTP) support is needed


created 15 years ago

We are using QTP (HP's QuickTestProfessional 9.5 currently, 10.0 in the future) for a windows GUI application that uses DevExpress for its list views. Do you have a DevExpress QTP addon for recognition of DevExpress windows? We had at one time a version written by Mercury, but we can no longer find it.

Comments (1)
DevExpress Support Team 15 years ago

    Hello Ken,
    Thank you for your question. We have such a request on our suggestion list for .NET Windows Forms controls:
    HP / Mercury Quick Test Pro (QTP) support is needed
    Unfortunately, I cannot provide you with any time frame on this suggestion.
    If you are interested in testing applications with WPF controls, such as DXGrid for WPF, you don't actually need any add-ons: our WPF controls fully support Windows Automation. This is enough to write test scripts in HP QTP to operate on the DXGrid.
    Check if Search Engine is able to answer questions faster than I do!

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