Hi, How can I add a custom row in a List View?, (like showed in image attached).
Thanks in advance
We have closed this ticket because another page addresses its subject:
Support - provide an example, illustrating how to implement a custom ListEditor based on the AdvBandedGridView ( S19992 )
Hello Alberto,
You can embed the BandedGridView. See the following thread: BandedGridView.
Another solution is to increate the grid column header width, and handle the GridView.CustomDrawColumnHeader Event, to draw the necessary text.
Thank you, Marina
Hi, I try to use the example in Q92760 without success.
Could be possible to update that example (Q92760) to 9.2.6?
Thanks in advance.
Hi, I found an example in Q232886 that do what I need, but in my example, can ́t show bandedGridview.
And Banded are remove from model.
Could you let me know whats wrong with this example (attached)
Thanks in advance
Hello Alberto,
No, bands are created in the CreateGridViewBands method of your editor. This is because you have missed the following code from the Q232886 sample:
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using System.ComponentModel; using DevExpress.ExpressApp; namespace BandedGridSample.Module.Win { [ToolboxItemFilter("Xaf.Platform.Win")] public sealed partial class BandedGridSampleWindowsFormsModule : ModuleBase { public BandedGridSampleWindowsFormsModule() { InitializeComponent(); } public override Schema GetSchema() { return new Schema(new DictionaryXmlReader().ReadFromString( @"<?xml version=""1.0""?> <Element Name=""Application""> <Element Name=""Views""> <Element Name=""ListView""> <Element Name=""Bands""> <Element Name=""Band"" Multiple=""True"" DisplayAttribute=""Caption"" KeyAttribute=""ID""> <Attribute Name=""ID"" IsLocalized=""False"" /> <Attribute Name=""Caption"" IsLocalized=""True""/> <Attribute Name=""ColumnsCommaSeperated""/> </Element> </Element> </Element> </Element> </Element>")); } } }
Let us know in case of any further difficulty.
>>Could be possible to update that example (Q92760) to 9.2.6?
Yes, please track this suggestion: Support - provide an example, illustrating how to implement a custom ListEditor based on the AdvBandedGridView ( S19992 ).
Hi, I this example works fine in XAF 9.2.9, but when convert to 9.3.2 doesn ́t works any more.
Could you show me an example working in 9.3.2 please?
Thanks in advance.
Hello Alberto,
Thanks for the update and sorry for the delay in responding. Unfortunately we do not have free resources to update this example to version 9.3. This will require a lot of work, which can be compared with implementing this feature out-of-the-box.
Please track the S33786 suggestion to be automatically notified when an updated version of the example is available. Thanks for your patience and understanding.
Hi, Dennis.
I found an error in my Model, now the update to 9.3.2 is working fine.
Attach files, I hope them could be used to have this feature out-of-the-box sooner.
Thanks Dennis.
Thanks, now it ́s working in 9.3.2
Hello Alberto,
I found an error in my Model, now the update to 9.3.2 is working fine.
Attach files, I hope them could be used to have this feature out-of-the-box sooner.
Thanks for your feedback. I have updated the S33786 suggestion so that other users could find your attachment easily.