Ticket Q200215
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How can I get the grid to sort my ObjectDataSource on the server?

created 16 years ago

I'm trying to get sorting to work. I have my own ObjectDataSource that has its own sorting mechanism. What I need from the grid with each page render is what column the user is sorting by, and which direction. With that information, I can update my data source to get the right records in the right order.
A little more info…
My data source is SQL driven, so I'm trying to build an ORDER BY clause. Materializing the entire database table isn't practical.
Please let me know how I should go about doing this. I've read in other posts that putting the control in server mode might help, but I still don't see where in your grid API I'm supposed to hook in to sort the records. BTW - I had trouble getting sorting working with MS's GridView using the Sorting event; it would always sort after two clicks, and then only in ascending order.
Thanks in advance,
P.S. Please do *not* direct me to the "Sort the grid at database level!" posting. I read that and it did not help me at all.

Comments (1)
DevExpress Support Team 16 years ago

    Hi Mike,
    Since you're working with an ObjectDataSource, you can enable the DataSourceForceStandardPaging option in order to force the ASPxGridView to perform paging and sorting on the server. For more information, please refer to the following help topic:
    ASPxGridView.DataSourceForceStandardPaging Property
    Also, please look at the following bug report, where you can find a sample, illustrating this approach in action:
    ID: B96899, An incorrect sort expression is generated by the grid, if the DataSourceForceStandardPaging property is set to true to perform custom server-side sorting
    Hopefully, these suggestions will be of some help. Please keep us informed about your progress.

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