Ticket Q136869
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How to get the filter criteria?

created 16 years ago

I am starting to believe that even manual filtering is not possible with your grid when using it with anything but the XPO.
And that's sad.
I have my ASPxGridView with an ObjectDataSource and have filtering enabled.
When the user selects some value from any filter combobox or from the filterrow, how can I have access to the Filter Criteria/Expression?
My idea is to catch the BeforePerformDataSelect event to pass the Grid's filter to my class before it performs the select command.
How can I do this?

Show previous comments (9)
DevExpress Support Team 16 years ago

    Hi Luis;
    I'm afraid, I cannot fix this issue without your sample illustrating it . If t is possible, please provide this sample.

      Hi Kate,
      I found the problem. It's my fault.
      In the HeaderFilterFillItems event I was using the e.AddValue() incorrectly.
      It's now working fine. Thanks again and sorry for the time lost with my mistake.

      DevExpress Support Team 16 years ago

        Hi Luis;
        I'm happy to hear that the issue is solved.
        If you will have another questions, please don't hesitate to ask them.

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