Ticket Q130092
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How can I display a filtered list from a popup action

created 16 years ago

I cannot seem to find any reference to filtering popup actions. Ideally I would like to have the filter criteria automatically entered in the Filter Builder, but I will settle for just a filtered list. Please refer to the accompanying picture.

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    Thanks, but that was not quite what I was looking for. The list is generated in the code for the View Controller that is part of PopUp Action.
    I believe that the list is created with the code that is highlighted in the attached picture (Screenshot1.jpg). I think that it is at this point that I would need to create the filter or set the values for the Filter Builder. As you can see in the picture the highlighted code is part of the the event handler for the 'CustomizePopupWindowParams' event.

    Anatol (DevExpress) 16 years ago

      Hello Bill,
      To add a filter to your ListView, add the following code to the CustomizePopupWindowParams event handler:

      ObjectSpace os = Application.CreateObjectSpace(); ListView listView = Application.CreateListView(Application.GetListViewId(typeof(DomainObject2)), new CollectionSource(os, typeof(DomainObject2)), false); listView.CollectionSource.Criteria["FilterCriteria"] = CriteriaOperator.Parse("IntProperty > 1"); e.View = listView;

      For more details about filtering ListViews, I suggest that you refer to the following help topic: Filter List Views.
      I've also attached my sample project. Please let me know if you need any further help.

        Thanks Anatol

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