I'm using the MDI implementation as described in the documentation, but now I have two Menu-Items which are not merged:
Diagnostic Info and Rules Info.
This problem can be reproduced by changing the .config file of the MDIDemo:
<add key="EnableDiagnosticActions" value="True" />
I think it has to do with the order of the Items in the Tools Menu. (In the MainForm Template, the order of items in Tools is
whereas in ChildForm it is:
Indeed, when I change this order so the order in the both Tools Menu match, merging is OK.
Now, I'm not so worried about Diagnostic Info and Rules Info (as these will not be visible to my end-users at all), but I am worried about other items occuring more than once. As MenuItems are just ordinary actions which may be disabled by Controllers, its quite a job to test each and every situation.
So, how can I be sure that the order of menu-items in the mainform is equal to the items in the mdi-childform's so that merging will be correct?
Thanks in advance
We have closed this ticket because another page addresses its subject:
MDIDemo - The Diagnostic Info and Rules Info items are displayed more than once
Hello Marco,
I apologize for the delay.
Thank you for the report. These days we've been a little bit overloaded with support queries.
We are working on your issue, and will answer ASAP.
Hi Marco,
Thank you for your insight. This is an issue in XAF: ID B32117 (MDIDemo - The Diagnostic Info and Rules Info items are displayed more than once). Currently, there is no better workaround than removing the (Diagnostic) container when customizing the tool bar. We are working on this issue, and will try to fix this ASAP.
how can I be sure that the order of menu-items in the mainform is equal to the items in the mdi-childform's so that merging will be correct?
This problem is specific to these both actions, since they are provided by the controller, which is a direct descendant of the Controller class, so they are activated for both window and view. It explains why you see one info for main frame and one info for the child frame when executing these actions.
All the standard actions and your custom actions will be merged properly, so there is no problem with it. If you encounter any problem, please report this to us.