Ticket Q106778
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Save Event to a Stream - Copy Event between Storages

created 17 years ago

I would like to an Event over the network to another machine and was hoping that I could use the SaveToStream function to save an individual event and its custom fields to a stream, Preferably a stringstream.
Any Ideas would be great.

Comments (3)
Serge (DevExpress Support) 17 years ago

    Hi Alan,
    By design, the ExpressScheduler doesn't provide methods to store a single Event in a stream. As a way out, I recommend that you try using the following approach:

    1. Set up an extra unbound TcxSchedulerStorage (let's name it TemporaryStorage), which we will use to copy the necessary Events. The Storage should have the same set of custom fields, as the main Storage of your Scheduler.
    2. Use the following code to copy an Event from the main Storage to the TemporaryStorage:
    with TemporaryStorage do begin createEvent.Assign(<ASourceEvent>); PostEvents; end;
    1. Call the SaveToStream method of the TemporaryStorage, to store its data in a stream.
    2. Call the LoadFromStream method of the TemporaryStorage in the other copy of your application, to load its data from the stream.
    3. Use the following code to copy the Event from the TemporaryStorage to the main Storage in the other copy of your application:
    with DestinationStorage do begin createEvent.Assign(TemporaryStorage.Events[0]); PostEvents; end;

    Will this solution meet your requirements?
    P.S. By the way, you're using an older build of our components. Please visit our version info page at http://www.devexpress.com/Support/Versions.xml, to learn about the most recent versions of our products, and obtain instructions on how to update them.

      Thanks Serge
      What a great Idea, I would never have thought of this :¬).
      I will test this over the next few days and let you know.

      Serge (DevExpress Support) 17 years ago

        Ok, Alan, I'm looking forward to hearing from you :)

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