Example E5139
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How to create collection properties with associations at runtime

Files to look at:

The XPO Library provides the capability to create classes and members at runtime by customizing the metadata dictionary. Besides creating persistent members mapped to database columns, it is also possible to create collection-type members with associations. This example demonstrates both one-to-many and many-to-many associations added to existing persistent classes dynamically and how dynamic properties can be accessed.

Note that all metadata customizations must be done before a data layer is created with the customized dictionary.

See also:
XAF-specifics: How to customize a Business Model at runtime (Example).
Related XPO classes: DevExpress.Xpo.Metadata Namespace

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Example Code

using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using DevExpress.Xpo; using DevExpress.Xpo.DB; using DevExpress.Data.Filtering; using DevExpress.Xpo.Metadata; namespace XPOConsoleApplication { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { XPDictionary dict = new ReflectionDictionary(); Type[] types = new Type[] { typeof(Supplier), typeof(Product), typeof(Group) }; dict.CollectClassInfos(types); XPClassInfo ciSupplier = dict.GetClassInfo(typeof(Supplier)); XPClassInfo ciProduct = dict.GetClassInfo(typeof(Product)); XPClassInfo ciGroup = dict.GetClassInfo(typeof(Group)); //A one-to-many association XPMemberInfo miSupplier = ciProduct.CreateMember("Supplier", typeof(Supplier), new AssociationAttribute("SupplierProducts")); XPMemberInfo miProducts = ciSupplier.CreateMember("Products", typeof(XPCollection), true, new AssociationAttribute("SupplierProducts", typeof(Product))); //A many-to-many association XPMemberInfo miGroups = ciProduct.CreateMember("Groups", typeof(XPCollection), true, new AssociationAttribute("GroupsItems", typeof(Group))); XPMemberInfo miItems = ciGroup.CreateMember("Items", typeof(XPCollection), true, new AssociationAttribute("GroupsItems", typeof(Product))); //Creating a data layer IDataStore provider = new InMemoryDataStore(); //IDataStore provider = XpoDefault.GetConnectionProvider(MSSqlConnectionProvider.GetConnectionString("localhost", ""), AutoCreateOption.DatabaseAndSchema); XpoDefault.DataLayer = new SimpleDataLayer(dict, provider); XpoDefault.Session = null; //Creating sample data using (UnitOfWork session = new UnitOfWork()) { session.ClearDatabase(); session.UpdateSchema(types); session.CreateObjectTypeRecords(types); Supplier s1 = new Supplier(session) { CompanyName = "Acme", Address = "XY/101" }; Supplier s2 = new Supplier(session) { CompanyName = "Zorq", Address = "Moonbase" }; Product p1 = new Product(session) { Name = "Anvil", Quantity = 1 }; miSupplier.SetValue(p1, s1); Product p2 = new Product(session) { Name = "Cow", Quantity = 80 }; ((XPCollection)miProducts.GetValue(s1)).Add(p2); Product p3 = new Product(session) { Name = "Saucer", Quantity = 3 }; ciProduct.GetMember("Supplier").SetValue(p3, s2); Group g1 = new Group(session) { Title = "Flying" }; ((XPCollection)miItems.GetValue(g1)).Add(p2); ((XPCollection)miGroups.GetValue(p3)).Add(g1); session.CommitChanges(); } //Some tests using (UnitOfWork session = new UnitOfWork()) { Group g1 = session.FindObject<Group>(CriteriaOperator.Parse("Title='Flying'")); XPCollection groupItems = (XPCollection)g1.GetMemberValue("Items"); System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(groupItems.Count == 2); Supplier s1 = session.FindObject<Supplier>(CriteriaOperator.Parse("CompanyName='Acme'")); XPCollection acmeProducts = (XPCollection)s1.GetMemberValue("Products"); System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(acmeProducts.Count == 2); Product p3 = session.FindObject<Product>(CriteriaOperator.Parse("Name='Saucer'")); System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(((Supplier)miSupplier.GetValue(p3)).CompanyName == "Zorq"); } } } public class Supplier : XPObject { public Supplier(Session session) : base(session) { } public string CompanyName { get { return GetPropertyValue<string>("CompanyName"); } set { SetPropertyValue<string>("CompanyName", value); } } public string Address { get { return GetPropertyValue<string>("Address"); } set { SetPropertyValue<string>("Address", value); } } } public class Product : XPObject { public Product(Session session) : base(session) { } public string Name { get { return GetPropertyValue<string>("Name"); } set { SetPropertyValue<string>("Name", value); } } public int Quantity { get { return GetPropertyValue<int>("Quantity"); } set { SetPropertyValue<int>("Quantity", value); } } } public class Group : XPObject { public Group(Session session) : base(session) { } public string Title { get { return GetPropertyValue<string>("Title"); } set { SetPropertyValue<string>("Title", value); } } } }

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