Example E4606
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How to create persistent classes mapped to tables with a composite primary key at runtime

Files to look at:

When you have a table with a composite key, the standard solution to map an XPO persistent class to it is to declare a structure for the key member as described in the How to create a persistent object for a database table with a compound key article. If the database schema is not known as design time, and you need to create persistent classes at runtime, the built-in XPDictionary methods won't help, because structure-like members are supported only for real types via Reflection. This example demonstrates how to create a custom XPCustomMemberInfo descendant to support nested persistent members.

See also:
K18482: How to create persistent metadata on the fly and load data from an arbitrary table

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Example Code

using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using DevExpress.Xpo; using DevExpress.Xpo.Metadata; using DevExpress.Data.Filtering; namespace XpoConsoleApplication { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { XPDictionary dict = new ReflectionDictionary(); //Create dynamic classes and members XPClassInfo ciEngineer = dict.CreateClass("Engineer"); ciEngineer.CreateMember("UserID", typeof(string), new KeyAttribute(), new SizeAttribute(8)); ciEngineer.CreateMember("PublicName", typeof(string), new SizeAttribute(32)); XPClassInfo ciProject = dict.CreateClass("Project"); ciProject.CreateMember("ProjectID", typeof(string), new KeyAttribute(), new SizeAttribute(4)); ciProject.CreateMember("Title", typeof(string), new SizeAttribute(255)); ciProject.CreateMember("Description", typeof(string), new SizeAttribute(SizeAttribute.Unlimited)); ciProject.CreateMember("Assignments", typeof(XPCollection), true, new AssociationAttribute("R1", null, "Assignment")); XPClassInfo ciAssignment = dict.CreateClass("Assignment"); XPComplexCustomMemberInfo miAssignmentKey = new XPComplexCustomMemberInfo(ciAssignment, "Key", typeof(object), new KeyAttribute()); miAssignmentKey.AddSubMember("Engineer", ciEngineer, new PersistentAttribute("Engineer")); miAssignmentKey.AddSubMember("Project", ciProject, new PersistentAttribute("Project"), new AssociationAttribute("R1")); ciAssignment.CreateMember("Role", typeof(string), new SizeAttribute(32)); ciAssignment.CreateMember("Rank", typeof(int)); XPClassInfo ciTask = dict.CreateClass("Task"); XPComplexCustomMemberInfo miTaskKey = new XPComplexCustomMemberInfo(ciTask, "Key", typeof(object), new KeyAttribute()); miTaskKey.AddSubMember("Project", ciProject, new PersistentAttribute("Project")); miTaskKey.AddSubMember("TaskNo", typeof(int), new PersistentAttribute("TaskNo")); ciTask.CreateMember("Description", typeof(string), new SizeAttribute(SizeAttribute.Unlimited)); //Initialize the data layer //XpoDefault.DataLayer = XpoDefault.GetDataLayer(DevExpress.Xpo.DB.MSSqlConnectionProvider.GetConnectionString("(local)", "E4606"), dict, DevExpress.Xpo.DB.AutoCreateOption.DatabaseAndSchema); XpoDefault.DataLayer = new SimpleDataLayer(dict, new DevExpress.Xpo.DB.InMemoryDataStore()); //Create DB and some sample data using (UnitOfWork uow = new UnitOfWork()) { uow.UpdateSchema(); IList<object> engineers = CreateObjects(uow, ciEngineer, new string[] { "UserID", "PublicName" }, new object[][] { new object[]{ "U1", "John" }, new object[]{ "PAUL", "Paul" }, new object[]{ "XFR", "Fred" }, }); IList<object> projects = CreateObjects(uow, ciProject, new string[] { "ProjectID", "Title", "Description" }, new object[][] { new object[]{ "P1", "DemoApp", "bla-bla-bla" }, new object[]{ "P2", "MegaApp", "duh!" }, new object[]{ "PNEW", "KillerApp", "wow!" }, }); IList<object> assignments = CreateObjects(uow, ciAssignment, new string[] { "Key.Engineer", "Key.Project", "Role", "Rank" }, new object[][] { new object[]{ engineers[1], projects[0], "Developer", 6 }, new object[]{ engineers[2], projects[0], "Developer", 8 }, new object[]{ engineers[0], projects[1], "Leader", 10 }, new object[]{ engineers[2], projects[1], "Developer", 8 }, new object[]{ engineers[1], projects[1], "Consultant", 3 }, new object[]{ engineers[1], projects[2], "Developer", 8 }, new object[]{ engineers[2], projects[2], "Developer", 7 }, new object[]{ engineers[0], projects[2], "Tester", 5 }, }); IList<object> tasks = CreateObjects(uow, ciTask, new string[] { "Key.Project", "Key.TaskNo", "Description" }, new object[][] { new object[]{ projects[0], 1, "Start" }, new object[]{ projects[0], 2, "Finish" }, new object[]{ projects[1], 0, "Framework" }, new object[]{ projects[1], 1, "Feature1" }, new object[]{ projects[1], 2, "Feature2" }, new object[]{ projects[1], 3, "Feature3" }, new object[]{ projects[1], 4, "Feature4" }, new object[]{ projects[1], 5, "Feature5" }, new object[]{ projects[1], 6, "Polish" }, new object[]{ projects[2], 1, "ready" }, new object[]{ projects[2], 2, "steady" }, new object[]{ projects[2], 3, "go" }, }); uow.CommitChanges(); } //read data using (UnitOfWork uow = new UnitOfWork()) { // XPView xpv = new XPView(uow, ciTask); xpv.Sorting.Add(new SortProperty("Project", DevExpress.Xpo.DB.SortingDirection.Ascending)); xpv.Sorting.Add(new SortProperty("No", DevExpress.Xpo.DB.SortingDirection.Ascending)); xpv.AddProperty("Project", "Key.Project.Title"); xpv.AddProperty("No", "Key.TaskNo"); xpv.AddProperty("Task", "Description"); foreach(ViewRecord r in xpv){ StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); foreach (ViewProperty p in xpv.Properties) { if (sb.Length > 0) sb.Append(", "); sb.Append(r[p.Name]); } Console.WriteLine(sb.ToString()); } Console.WriteLine(); } using (UnitOfWork uow = new UnitOfWork()) { // XPCollection xpc = new XPCollection(uow, ciProject); foreach (object o in xpc) { Console.WriteLine(DumpValues(ciProject, o, new string[] { "Title", "Description" })); XPCollection xpc2 = ciProject.GetMember("Assignments").GetValue(o) as XPCollection; foreach (object o2 in xpc2) { Console.WriteLine(" " + DumpValues(ciAssignment, o2, new string[] { "Role", "Rank", "Key.Engineer.PublicName" })); } } Console.WriteLine(); } using (UnitOfWork uow = new UnitOfWork()) { // object project = uow.FindObject(ciProject, CriteriaOperator.Parse("ProjectID=?", "P2")); DevExpress.Xpo.Helpers.IdList taskKey = new DevExpress.Xpo.Helpers.IdList(); taskKey.Add(project); taskKey.Add(2); object task = uow.GetObjectByKey(ciTask, taskKey); Console.WriteLine(DumpValues(ciTask, task, new string[] { "Key.Project.Title", "Key.TaskNo", "Description" })); Console.WriteLine(); } Console.ReadLine(); } private static IList<object> CreateObjects(Session s, XPClassInfo ci, string[] props, object[][] objValues) { IList<object> list = new List<object>(); foreach (object[] values in objValues) { object o = ci.CreateNewObject(s); for (int i = 0; i < props.Length; i++) { ci.GetMember(props[i]).SetValue(o, values[i]); } s.Save(o); list.Add(o); } return list; } private static string DumpValues(XPClassInfo ci, object o, string[] props) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); foreach (string p in props) { if (sb.Length > 0) sb.Append(", "); object v = new DevExpress.Data.Filtering.Helpers.ExpressionEvaluator(ci.GetEvaluatorContextDescriptor(), new DevExpress.Data.Filtering.OperandProperty(p)).Evaluate(o); sb.Append(v); } return sb.ToString(); } } [NonPersistent] public class LiteDataObject : XPLiteObject { public LiteDataObject(Session s) : base(s) { } public LiteDataObject(Session s, XPClassInfo ci) : base(s, ci) { } } }
using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using DevExpress.Xpo.Metadata; namespace DevExpress.Xpo.Metadata { public class XPComplexCustomMemberInfo : XPCustomMemberInfo { public XPComplexCustomMemberInfo(XPClassInfo owner, string propertyName, Type propertyType, params Attribute[] attributes) : this(owner, propertyName, propertyType, null, false, false, attributes) { } public XPComplexCustomMemberInfo(XPClassInfo owner, string propertyName, XPClassInfo referenceType, params Attribute[] attributes) : this(owner, propertyName, null, referenceType, false, false, attributes) { } public XPComplexCustomMemberInfo(XPClassInfo owner, string propertyName, Type propertyType, XPClassInfo referenceType, bool nonPersistent, bool nonPublic, params Attribute[] attributes) : base(owner, propertyName, propertyType, referenceType, nonPersistent, nonPublic) { if (Equals(this.subMembersArray, XPMemberInfo.EmptyList)) { this.subMembersArray = new List<XPMemberInfo>(); } for (int i = 0; i < attributes.Length; i++) { Attribute attribute = attributes[i]; this.AddAttribute(attribute); } } public override bool IsStruct { get { return this.SubMembers.Count > 0; } } public void AddSubMember(XPComplexCustomMemberInfo memeberInfo) { this.SubMembers.Add(memeberInfo); memeberInfo.valueParent = this; } public XPComplexCustomMemberInfo AddSubMember(string propertyName, Type propertyType, params Attribute[] attributes) { XPComplexCustomMemberInfo memeberInfo = new XPComplexCustomMemberInfo(this.Owner, propertyName, propertyType, attributes); AddSubMember(memeberInfo); return memeberInfo; } public XPComplexCustomMemberInfo AddSubMember(string propertyName, XPClassInfo referenceType, params Attribute[] attributes) { XPComplexCustomMemberInfo memeberInfo = new XPComplexCustomMemberInfo(this.Owner, propertyName, referenceType, attributes); AddSubMember(memeberInfo); return memeberInfo; } public override string Name { get { if (valueParent == null) return base.Name; return string.Concat(this.valueParent.Name, '.', base.Name); } } protected override string GetDefaultMappingField() { if (this.valueParent == null) return base.Name; return this.valueParent.MappingField + base.Name; } public override object GetValue(object theObject) { if (IsStruct) { DevExpress.Xpo.Helpers.IdList idList = new DevExpress.Xpo.Helpers.IdList(); foreach (XPMemberInfo memberInfo in this.SubMembers) { if (memberInfo.IsPersistent) { idList.Add(memberInfo.GetValue(theObject)); } } return idList; } return base.GetValue(theObject); } public override void SetValue(object theObject, object theValue) { if (IsStruct) { IList list = theValue as IList; if (list != null) { for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { XPMemberInfo memberInfo = (XPMemberInfo)this.SubMembers[i]; if (memberInfo.IsPersistent) { memberInfo.SetValue(theObject, list[i]); } } } return; } base.SetValue(theObject, theValue); } } }

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