This example shows custom Property Editors that provide access to object fields with an email address or URL as clickable text.
To validate a URL, these editors use a combined RexEx
mask. The default regular expression is:
You can use it as is or modify it per your specific needs. Search for Regular Expression in MSDN for more information on how to do this.
A double click opens a URL in DetailView of the WinForms project for end-user convenience.
These editors are created for learning purposes only. You can extend them or create your own editors to meet your business needs.
Files to Review
- Property Editors
- Customize a Built-in Property Editor (Blazor)
- Implement a Property Editor Based on a Custom Component (Blazor)
More Examples
- How to: Display an Integer Property as an Enumeration
- How to: Disable Property Editors Based on a Business Rule
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Example Code
C#using System;
using DevExpress.ExpressApp;
using DevExpress.XtraEditors;
using DevExpress.ExpressApp.Model;
using DevExpress.XtraEditors.Mask;
using DevExpress.ExpressApp.Editors;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using DevExpress.XtraEditors.Controls;
using DevExpress.ExpressApp.Win.Editors;
using DevExpress.XtraEditors.Repository;
namespace HyperLinkPropertyEditor.Win {
[PropertyEditor(typeof(System.String), false)]
public class WinHyperLinkStringPropertyEditor : StringPropertyEditor {
public const string UrlEmailMask = @"(((http|https|ftp)\://)?[a-zA-Z0-9\-\.]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,3}(:[a-zA-Z0-9]*)?/?([a-zA-Z0-9\-\._\?\,\'/\\\+&%\$#\=~])*)|([a-zA-Z0-9._%+-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,6})";
private HyperLinkEdit hyperlinkEditCore;
public WinHyperLinkStringPropertyEditor(Type objectType, IModelMemberViewItem info)
: base(objectType, info) {
public new HyperLinkEdit Control { get { return hyperlinkEditCore; } }
protected override RepositoryItem CreateRepositoryItem() {
return new RepositoryItemHyperLinkEdit();
protected override object CreateControlCore() {
hyperlinkEditCore = new HyperLinkEdit();
return hyperlinkEditCore;
protected override void SetupRepositoryItem(RepositoryItem item) {
RepositoryItemHyperLinkEdit hyperLinkProperties = (RepositoryItemHyperLinkEdit)item;
hyperLinkProperties.SingleClick = View is ListView;
hyperLinkProperties.TextEditStyle = TextEditStyles.Standard;
hyperLinkProperties.OpenLink += hyperLinkProperties_OpenLink;
EditMaskType = EditMaskType.RegEx;
hyperLinkProperties.Mask.MaskType = MaskType.RegEx;
hyperLinkProperties.Mask.EditMask = UrlEmailMask;
private void hyperLinkProperties_OpenLink(object sender, OpenLinkEventArgs e) {
e.EditValue = GetResolvedUrl(e.EditValue);
public static string GetResolvedUrl(object value) {
string url = Convert.ToString(value);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(url)) {
if (url.Contains("@") && IsValidUrl(url))
return string.Format("mailto:{0}", url);
if (!url.Contains("://"))
url = string.Format("http://{0}", url);
if (IsValidUrl(url))
return url;
return string.Empty;
private static bool IsValidUrl(string url) {
return Regex.IsMatch(url, UrlEmailMask);