Bug Report DB36905
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SetToolTip not working on all controls

created 19 years ago

I am trying to use SetToolTip through the tooltip controller to dynamically set tooltips on my forms' controls. However, it is not setting most of the tooltips correctly. It seems to set the tooltips for objects such as the panels and the LayoutControl, but for things like TextEdit, ComboBoxEdit, CheckEdit, etc. it's not working. I have attached a sample project which demonstrates this.
Steps to Reproduce:
Run the attached project. Notice that a tooltip shows up when the mouse hovers over the LayoutControl, but not over any other controls on the form.
Actual Results:
A tooltip shows up when the mouse hovers over the LayoutControl, but not over any other controls on the form.
Expected Results:
Tooltips should show up for all controls which have had a tooltip assigned through SetToolTip.

Comments (1)
DevExpress Support Team 19 years ago

    The editors require a different approach for the tooltip initialization. Please try to use the following code:

    Visual Basic
    Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load Me.txtDX.ToolTip = "TextBox" Me.cboDX.ToolTip = "ComboBox" Me.chkDX.ToolTip = "CheckBox" Me.DefaultToolTipController.SetToolTip(Me.LayoutControl1, "LayoutControl1") End Sub

    Thank you,

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