Bug Report CB407
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Devexpress don´t support Visual Inheritance

created 18 years ago

I have a control a DexExpress.XtraEditors.TextEdit, my control have configuration a property maxlength = 20, backcolor and other properties , if i used the property "Properties.MaxLengh" the error Duplicate component name 'fProperties' apair, read the question DQ23978, if use code, by example
   public CustomTextBox() : base() {
            EnterMoveNextControl = true;
            this.Properties.MaxLength = 35;
and later I modify a property once the control is located in the form, I lose the inheritance since if change the length in the control, already never varies it in the form.
Please, I need inherit directy from TextEdit or another control, repeat textedit, no xTraUserControl, in my aplication and i need configure several properties.
Please read the question DQ23978 for reproduce this in your example: dxsample.zip
I am convinced after numerous tests that their controls do not support visual inheritance, please I need a solution for this problem since I do not can ́t to use XTraUserControl in my application, because complicated me enormously the design. Please I have been several weeks with this problem and believe that he is very serious for my, in fact if nonencounter a solution to this, I thing change of controls.
The problem this in the design of properties that is duplicated. (fproperties)
Please, we have had infinite problems with its controls, I cannot think that this works thus, I am desperate since we have spent long time in adapting us to its controls that I believe that they are quite complicated to understand, since they call to the properties of form different from line of vision studio and I believe that they are little intuitive for programmers of Studio Line of vision. Please them request that gives an answer me, if they do not support visual inheritance, I prefer that they say to me that they do not support it and already this.
Steps to Reproduce:
Read de Question Details: Visual Inheritance
Question ID: DQ23978
Problem Type: Question
Opened By: Thomas Salistean II
Reviewed by DevExpress: Yes
Status: Processed
Resolution: Answered [?]
Modified On: 8/3/2006 1:21:05 PM
  Product Group: .NET
Product: XtraEditors Library
Version: 6.1.5
Fixed in Release: n/a
Operation System: Windows XP
IDE: n/a
Stop Tracking this Issue

Created by Thomas Salistean II at 8/1/2006 1:57:25 PM
I am trying to use visual inheritance with the DevExpress TextEdit. When I open my design surface the first time, all seems well. I set a property, visually, and close the design surface. When I re-open the design surface, I get this error:
Duplicate component name 'fProperties'. Component names must be unique and case-insensitive.
I tried the utility at www.devexpress.com/kbA2912 and put a check in the box. I close out of VS2005 and get back in and I get the same error.
I changed the parent class from DevExpress to System.Windows.Forms.TextBox, set enabled to false, rebuild, and I get the design surface back. Visual inheritance with base windows forms controls seems to work fine, contrary to the response on one of the posts regarding this issue.
I change it back to DexExpress.XtraEditors.TextEdit, set the EnterMoveNextControl to true visually, and I get the same error again. What am I missing?

Reviewed, Accepted by Developer Express Team at 8/2/2006 12:29:53 PM

Updated by Developer Express Team at 8/2/2006 4:37:09 PM
Sorry, I do not quite understand what you mean by the visual inheritance for the TextEdit. If you wish to create a custom editor, please use the instructions from the "How to register a custom editor for use in the XtraGrid" article which can be found at: www.devexpress.com/kbA1237
If this does not help, you are welcome to send us a sample project showing this problem. We will do our best to help you.

Resolved (Answered) by Developer Express Team at 8/2/2006 4:59:57 PM

Reactivated by Thomas Salistean II at 8/2/2006 8:56:38 PM
Attachment: devexpress.zip Size (20823 bytes)
Try this.

Resolved (Answered) by Developer Express Team at 8/3/2006 1:21:05 PM
Attachment: dxSample.zip Size (49673 bytes)
Please use the approach shown in the sample project instead.
Actual Results:
The control don ́t support visual inheritance directy and i configure some property.
Expected Results:
The controls support visual inheritance.

Answers approved by DevExpress Support

created 18 years ago (modified 12 years ago)

I have added the
            this.Properties.MaxLength = 35;
code to the constructor of the CustomTextBox editor implemented in issue DQ23978 and everything works as expected here. Please clarify the steps leading to this issue, so that we can try to find a solution. Please note, that if you wish to modify a property of the editor's Properties property, you may change this value in the constructor of this object. I have attached a new version of the sample project which shows how to implement this approach. Hopefully, it will be helpful. The MyControls1 project included in the demo projects for the XtraEditors Library contains several examples showing how to properly create an editor and register it.
Finally, I should mention that our editors do not support Visual inheritance (as we noted in the "GridLookupEdit" thread (www.devexpress.com/issue=DB11868)). However, you can implement all the modifications in code, and they will work properly.

    Other Answers

    created 18 years ago

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