I have a control a DexExpress.XtraEditors.TextEdit, my control have configuration a property maxlength = 20, backcolor and other properties , if i used the property "Properties.MaxLengh" the error Duplicate component name 'fProperties' apair, read the question DQ23978, if use code, by example
public CustomTextBox() : base() {
EnterMoveNextControl = true;
this.Properties.MaxLength = 35;
and later I modify a property once the control is located in the form, I lose the inheritance since if change the length in the control, already never varies it in the form.
Please, I need inherit directy from TextEdit or another control, repeat textedit, no xTraUserControl, in my aplication and i need configure several properties.
Please read the question DQ23978 for reproduce this in your example: dxsample.zip
I am convinced after numerous tests that their controls do not support visual inheritance, please I need a solution for this problem since I do not can ́t to use XTraUserControl in my application, because complicated me enormously the design. Please I have been several weeks with this problem and believe that he is very serious for my, in fact if nonencounter a solution to this, I thing change of controls.
The problem this in the design of properties that is duplicated. (fproperties)
Please, we have had infinite problems with its controls, I cannot think that this works thus, I am desperate since we have spent long time in adapting us to its controls that I believe that they are quite complicated to understand, since they call to the properties of form different from line of vision studio and I believe that they are little intuitive for programmers of Studio Line of vision. Please them request that gives an answer me, if they do not support visual inheritance, I prefer that they say to me that they do not support it and already this.
Steps to Reproduce:
Read de Question Details: Visual Inheritance
Question ID: DQ23978
Problem Type: Question
Opened By: Thomas Salistean II
Reviewed by DevExpress: Yes
Status: Processed
Resolution: Answered [?]
Modified On: 8/3/2006 1:21:05 PM
Product Group: .NET
Product: XtraEditors Library
Version: 6.1.5
Fixed in Release: n/a
Operation System: Windows XP
IDE: n/a
Stop Tracking this Issue
Created by Thomas Salistean II at 8/1/2006 1:57:25 PM
I am trying to use visual inheritance with the DevExpress TextEdit. When I open my design surface the first time, all seems well. I set a property, visually, and close the design surface. When I re-open the design surface, I get this error:
Duplicate component name 'fProperties'. Component names must be unique and case-insensitive.
I tried the utility at www.devexpress.com/kbA2912 and put a check in the box. I close out of VS2005 and get back in and I get the same error.
I changed the parent class from DevExpress to System.Windows.Forms.TextBox, set enabled to false, rebuild, and I get the design surface back. Visual inheritance with base windows forms controls seems to work fine, contrary to the response on one of the posts regarding this issue.
I change it back to DexExpress.XtraEditors.TextEdit, set the EnterMoveNextControl to true visually, and I get the same error again. What am I missing?
Reviewed, Accepted by Developer Express Team at 8/2/2006 12:29:53 PM
Updated by Developer Express Team at 8/2/2006 4:37:09 PM
Sorry, I do not quite understand what you mean by the visual inheritance for the TextEdit. If you wish to create a custom editor, please use the instructions from the "How to register a custom editor for use in the XtraGrid" article which can be found at: www.devexpress.com/kbA1237
If this does not help, you are welcome to send us a sample project showing this problem. We will do our best to help you.
Resolved (Answered) by Developer Express Team at 8/2/2006 4:59:57 PM
Reactivated by Thomas Salistean II at 8/2/2006 8:56:38 PM
Attachment: devexpress.zip Size (20823 bytes)
Try this.
Resolved (Answered) by Developer Express Team at 8/3/2006 1:21:05 PM
Attachment: dxSample.zip Size (49673 bytes)
Please use the approach shown in the sample project instead.
Actual Results:
The control don ́t support visual inheritance directy and i configure some property.
Expected Results:
The controls support visual inheritance.