we discovered, that in masterDetailMode the Getters of all Properties are called after hitting a key within a propertyEditor.
This is also done, if immediatePostData is false! In our Application there are about 100 Properties and the application is idle
about a second after hitting a key.
To reproduce this issue do the following within the example application:
- Open the payment mask
- Type a key in any propertyEditor
- You will see that every keystroke leads to a call of the getter of amount
- If you try the same thing in the detailView of a payment you will see that a keystroke doesn't lead to a call of the getter
- If you try the same thing in the listView the getter is also not called
- The problem occures only in the detailView, if masterDetailMode is active.
Best regards
Hi Kim,
We have researched this issue and found out that the current behavior is by design. When you modify a value in a property editor, it immediately raises the ObjectChanged event. It is particularly required to mark the current object as modified and enable the Save action. This notification is also propagated to the list editor and causes the grid control to be refreshed.
If this behavior leads to a heavily decreased performance, you can disable it by setting the DetailView.RaiseObjectChangedOnControlValueChanged property to False. This property is not documented, though.
Hello DevExpress-Team,
sorry, but I don't find this Property in the whole sourceCode auf the ExpressApp Framework.
Beside of that I can't understand that a refreshment of the ListEditor is required with every keystroke
(the values of the editors in the listView are not updated with a keystroke => Why do you touch every Property?)
I do also understand that the object has to be marked as modified but only with the very first keystroke?
Best regards
Hi Kim,
As I already mentioned, this property is not documented. It is not visible through Intellisense. You should type it manually. Please try this workaround and let us know if this helps.
Hello Michael,
sorry but the Property is not in your SourceCode (I made a fulltext-search over the whole SourceCode of the DevExpressFramework).
Maybe this Property is new in 1.7 ? If it is not could you please modify the attached solution ?
I added three Screenshots, which demonstrate the issue.
In ListViewModified.png you can see that counter was not increased by every keystroke if you edit in the ListView of the MasterDetail-Mode.
In DetailViewModified.png you can see that the counter was increased by every keystroke.
In DetailViewModfied(NoMasterDetail).png the counter was also not increased.
You say that it is by design that the listView updates the value of the displayed properties if you edit in the detailView, but the detailView itself
is not updated? Why is the ListView updated with every keystroke in the corresponding detailView (immediatePostData is not true!!)? I think it should only
be updated if you leave the propertyEditor?
Best regards and thank you in advance