Bug Report B149851
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Application Model - Sorting is always applied to a List View column corresponding to a non-persistent property

created 15 years ago

Hi Guys,
there is a bug in the above generator. In my class i have a nonpersistent property like:
        public string DocumentName
                return this.GetDocumentName();
The problem now is that this column automaticly gets an SortOrder = Ascending in all LookupListViews - and so if the Lookup is in ServerMode you get an exception.(cannot query an nonpersistent property from datastore)
The wrong code is in ModelListViewColumnsNodesGenerator.GenerateLookupListViewColumns:
if(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(displayPropertyName)) {
                    IModelMember member = classInfo.FindMember(displayPropertyName);
                    if((member == null) || !IsVisibleInViewTrue(member)) {
                         IModelColumn captionColumn = AddLookupColumn(viewInfo, displayPropertyName);
                         captionColumn.Width = 340;
                         captionColumn.SortOrder = ColumnSortOrder.Ascending;
                         if(displayPropertyName.IndexOf('.') > 0) {
                              captionColumn.Caption = displayPropertyName;
Here you automaticly set the sortorder which leeds to an exception is the view is in servermode!

Show previous comments (6)
Martin Praxmarer - DevExpress MVP 15 years ago

    Hi Michael,
    "Besides, if you modify the model by enabling the server mode, this will also lead to an exception." -> sure - but then i know what i do(or not) ;)
    "We've fixed this issue by removing sorting applied to a non-persistent property while applying the model to the grid control." -> that makes sense - thank you!

    DevExpress Support Team 15 years ago

      You're welcome, Martin.

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