KB Article A2753
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How to convert a standard color to a color which corresponds to the current skin

Is there a way to get colors from the current skin so that they can be applied to standard controls?

You can obtain the color which corresponds to the system color, e.g. SystemColors.Control or SystemColors.Highlight, in the current skin. Please use the following code.

using DevExpress.Skins; //... Skin currentSkin = CommonSkins.GetSkin(DevExpress.LookAndFeel.UserLookAndFeel.Default); Color c = currentSkin.TranslateColor(SystemColors.Control);
Visual Basic
Imports DevExpress.Skins '... Dim currentSkin As DevExpress.Skins.Skin = CommonSkins.GetSkin(DevExpress.LookAndFeel.UserLookAndFeel.Default) Dim c As Color = currentSkin.TranslateColor(SystemColors.Control)

See Also:
How to obtain the color of a particular control's element when skins are used
How to get skin images at runtime

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