[DevExpress Support Team: CLONED FROM T942785: DataGrid for Blazor - How to use the gRPC service with the CustomData property]
Hello DevExpress,
It will be great to get some your feedback or thoughts regarding my comment above.
May be it is better to create distinct ticket regarding possibility to implement web service method, which could be used to get data for any your list controls (Desktop or Web) in "server/virtual" mode using gRPC?
Thank you.
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Hello, Konstantin.
We do not have much information to share on this topic. At this stage we can only say that this
method will likely be implemented on your side - we see issues implementing it in our libraries in a generic fashion (like with ODataServerModeSource). That is because gRPC implies using end data structures for specific client tasks, not generic API like OData.If gRPC integration with our list controls is critical for your current project today, and if so, please specify the exact UI platform, UI component and requirements (if possible, please attach a small debuggable sample illustrating your use-case scenario). With that, will see whether we can guide you or even share an example like we did for the Blazor grid in T942785.
For instance, if you are interested in the WinForms or WPF grids, you will likely find our virtual data sources helpful:
Hello, Dennis
Its not a big issue to implement
method using VirtualServerModeSource (with limitation- data grouping is not supported). The issue is that we have to implement same method twice - one for desktop application and another for web application. Because your desktop and web list controls are using different approaches to get data in "Virtual or Server" mode.Your "Data access" layer has to be unified for both platforms.
Why it is not possible to implement DevExtreme.AspNet.Data.DataSourceLoadOptions support for desktop lists in the same way is it is done for web lists?
I believe everything is possible if one has a goal:-)
The issue is that data access is one of the many things that are done differently when developers implement apps for different UI platforms. We follow the goal of minimizing UI platform and control differences for developers in our cross-platform .NET app UI framework - XAF. It takes care of many development aspects from the data source to UI.
Frankly speaking, we have not considered a similar unification in the form of another product or library, though I shared your idea with our grid developers for other platforms.
Hello Denis,
Nowadays, most any enterprise application (I believe your primary customers ) has desktop, web and mobile UI client.
We, as developers, would like to implement one backend API, used by any UI client.
But we are not able to do that for lists in "Server\Virtual" mode, as you have different approaches on different platforms how controls request next portion of data.
More over, I don not see really big issues in the implementation. Just adopt DevExtreme.AspNet.Data.DataSourceLoadOptions to be used in WinForms and WPF lists. DevExtreme.AspNet.Data.DataSourceLoadOptions could be a replacement for VirtualServerModeSource as it contains all necessary information about what data is requested by list control.