Ticket T973030
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Blazor - How to support the XAF Chart Module scenarios (display charts or graphs)

created 4 years ago (modified 4 years ago)

I have found:

  1. That the Blazor Xaf Module does not support the Charts Module (##### NOTE Blazor applications do not support the Chart Module.
  2. That you have several Articles about Blazor and Charts https://docs.devexpress.com/Blazor/401180/charts

Is there a way to manually connect my Business Objects with Blazor and Charts? I want to display data about an object in the detail view using data in a associated list of objects.


Answers approved by DevExpress Support

created 4 years ago (modified 3 years ago)


Thank you for your interest.

To display a chart, implement a custom Property Editor or a custom ViewItem that uses the DevExpress Blazor Chart or DevExtreme Chart controls.

Please refer to the following help topics for additional information and samples:

You can also use XAF's Dashboards Module for Blazor, if you want to display a set of complex charts.


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