What Changed
You should now set the DxChartTooltip.Enabled property to true if you define Chart tooltips with templates in your project.
Reasons for Change
Previously, despite the same default value of the DxChartTooltip.Enabled property, users observed different behavior under different circumstances, which caused confusion. Among other things, tooltips with templates could not be hidden programmatically because the Enabled property was not taken into account in that case.
Impact on Existing Apps
This change will affect your application if you define Chart tooltips with templates in your project.
Razor<DxChart Data="@SalesData" >
<div style="margin: 0.75rem">
<div class="font-weight-bold">@context.Point.SeriesName</div>
<div>City: @context.Point.Argument</div>
<div>Amount: @context.Point.Value</div>
How to Update Existing Apps
Set the DxChartTooltip.Enabled property to true as show below.
Razor<DxChart Data="@SalesData" >
<DxChartTooltip Enabled="true">
<div style="margin: 0.75rem">
<div class="font-weight-bold">@context.Point.SeriesName</div>
<div>City: @context.Point.Argument</div>
<div>Amount: @context.Point.Value</div>