Ticket T970822
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How to remove tile items or a tile group if they were dragged and dropped outside of a tile control without animation

created 4 years ago (modified 4 years ago)

How can I remove a tile item or a tile group after dragging it outside TileControl without animation?

In the VCL 20.2.5 version, we modified our TileControl and added the public TdxTileControlDragDropCustomObject.ImmediateFinish property. This was made in the context of the following thread - T970821: Add an ability to finish drag-and-drop tile items or tile group without animation. The property allows you to finish a drag-and-drop operation without showing animation.
With the ImmediateFinish property, you can use the following way to remove a dragged tile item or a tile group without unnecessary animation after Item/Group deletion:

uses cxGeometry; type TdxTileControlDragDropCustomObjectAccess = class(TdxTileControlDragDropCustomObject); TdxTileControlDragDropItemAccess = class(TdxTileControlDragDropItem); procedure <Form>.<AdxTileControl>MouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); begin FOriginalWndProc := TdxTileControl(Sender).WindowProc; TdxTileControl(Sender).WindowProc := MyWindowProc; end; procedure <Form>.<AdxTileControl>MouseUp(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); begin if Assigned(FOriginalWndProc) then begin TdxTileControl(Sender).WindowProc := FOriginalWndProc; FOriginalWndProc := nil; end; end; procedure <Form>.MyWindowProc(var AMessage: TMessage); var AUpMessage: TWMLButtonDown absolute AMessage; ADragDropItem: TdxTileControlDragDropItem; ADragDropGroup: TdxTileControlDragDropGroup; AItems: TdxTileControlCheckedItems; I: Integer; ATileControl: TdxTileControl; begin ATileControl := <AdxTileControl>; if (AMessage.Msg = WM_LBUTTONUP) and (ATileControl.DragAndDropState = ddsInProcess) then begin if (ATileControl.DragAndDropObject is TdxTileControlDragDropItem) and not cxRectIntersect(TdxTileControlDragDropCustomObjectAccess(ATileControl.DragAndDropObject).DragBounds, ATileControl.ClientBounds) then begin ADragDropItem := TdxTileControlDragDropItem(ATileControl.DragAndDropObject); ADragDropItem.ImmediateFinish := True; DoDeleteItem(ADragDropItem.DragItem); AItems := TdxTileControlDragDropItemAccess(ADragDropItem).CheckedItems; if AItems <> nil then for I := 0 to AItems.Count - 1 do DoDeleteItem(AItems[I]); end else if (ATileControl.DragAndDropObject is TdxTileControlDragDropGroup) and not cxRectIntersect(TdxTileControlDragDropCustomObjectAccess(ATileControl.DragAndDropObject).DragBounds, ATileControl.ClientBounds) then begin ADragDropGroup := TdxTileControlDragDropGroup(ATileControl.DragAndDropObject); ADragDropGroup.ImmediateFinish := True; ADragDropGroup.DragGroup.Visible := False; PostMessage(Handle, WM_DELETE_TILE_GROUP, TdxNativeUInt(ADragDropGroup.DragGroup), 0); end; end; FOriginalWndProc(AMessage); end; procedure <Form>.DoDeleteItem(AItem: TdxTileControlItem); begin AItem.Visible := False; PostMessage(Handle, WM_DELETE_TILE_ITEM, TdxNativeUInt(AItem), 0); end; procedure <Form>.WMDeleteTileItem(var AMessage: TMessage); begin <AdxTileControl>.DeleteItem(TdxTileControlItem(AMessage.WParam)); end; procedure <Form>.WMDeleteTileGroup(var AMessage: TMessage); var AGroup: TdxTileControlGroup; I: Integer; ATileControl: TdxTileControl; begin ATileControl := <AdxTileControl>; ATileControl.BeginUpdate; try AGroup := TdxTileControlGroup(AMessage.WParam); for I := AGroup.ItemCount - 1 downto 0 do ATileControl.DeleteItem(AGroup.Items[I]); ATileControl.RemoveGroup(AGroup); finally ATileControl.EndUpdate; end; end;

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