I need to use PLinqServerModeSource but without creating a class for the enitity.
This is because the source of my GridView can change complete in runtime, it can show a different table/view depending on the choices of the user.
I discovered that the GridControl can use a DataView to show all data and show correct headers
But DataView is not enumerable so I cannot use it as source for the PLinqServerModeSource
But if I make a List<DataRowView> and put the first DataRowView from my datatable.DefaultView it, the gridcontrol is showing all correct but not on the main level but it created a new sublevel.
So I need to move this sublevel so it becomes the main level and then drop or hide the original main level.
How can I do that ?
If someone knows how to use the DefaultView of the DataTable without all this hassle that would be even better off course