Ticket T942135
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How to extract PDF pages with highlighted text

created 4 years ago

How would one go about searching a document for highlights on a page (whether highlighted using a DevEx control or Acrobat Pro preferably, but at a minimum using DexEx control), and then extracting those pages to a new document programmatically (without changing the original document), and then laying text onto the bottom of each the new pages?

  • 200 page original
  • 20 pages have highlights somewhere
  • extract 20 pages
  • apply text to bottom of extracted pages
  • save as new document

Thank you!

Answers approved by DevExpress Support

created 4 years ago

Hello Greg,

To accomplish the task, iterate through the pages in the source document and check if the PdfPage.Annotations collection contains PdfTextMarkupAnnotation objects. If so, extract this page to a new document using the PdfDocumentProcessor.Document.Pages.Add method.
Here is a sample code snippet that demonstrates this solution:

using (PdfDocumentProcessor source = new PdfDocumentProcessor()) { source.LoadDocument(sourceFile); List<int> highlightedPageNumbers = new List<int>(); var pages = source.Document.Pages; for (int i = 0; i < pages.Count; i++) { PdfPage page = pages[i]; var textMarkupAnnotations = page.Annotations.OfType<PdfTextMarkupAnnotation>(); if (textMarkupAnnotations.Count() > 0) highlightedPageNumbers.Add(i); } if (highlightedPageNumbers.Count == 0) return; using (PdfDocumentProcessor target = new PdfDocumentProcessor()) { target.CreateEmptyDocument("HighlightedPages.pdf"); foreach (int pageIndex in highlightedPageNumbers) target.Document.Pages.Add(pages[pageIndex]); } }

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