Breaking Change T937446
Visible to All Users

TimeSpan masks now show optional segments between visible segments by default

What Changed

In versions earlier than 20.2, TimeSpan masks hid optional segments as follows.

<dxe:TextEdit Mask="[h H ][m M ][s S]" MaskType="TimeSpan" MaskUseAsDisplayFormat="True" />

In v20.2, we show optional segments between visible segments. For example:

Reasons for Change

The previous behavior does not allow you to recognize the entered value if a mask does not contain specifiers like H, M, and S. For example:

<dxe:TextEdit x:Name="editor" dxe:TimeSpanMaskOptions.DefaultPart="Hours" Mask="[hh:][mm:]ss" MaskType="TimeSpan" MaskUseAsDisplayFormat="True" /> <TextBlock Text="{Binding ElementName=editor, Path=EditValue}" />

In this example, if you enter 1, switch to seconds, and enter 2, the editor displays "01:02", although the underlying value is "01:00:02".

How to Update Existing Apps

To revert to the previous behavior, set the attached TimeSpanMaskOptions.HideInsignificantPartsOnly property to false.

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