I have application which read data from excel file including formula. my routine extract all cell address from formula.
few sample formula which my application can still parse using RegEx follows
a) (W2/R2)-1
b) W23-U23
But Now a formula bit long which my RegEx could not parse. the formula looks like (U2+W2)/2*1000/W25
This is my code which parse formula and iterate in cell address
C#string regex = @"\$?[A-Z]{1,3}\$?[0-9]{1,7}";
string strDefaultCalculations="(U2+W2)/2*1000/W25";
List<string> lstAddress = Regex.Matches(strDefaultCalculations, regex).Cast<Match>().Select(m => m.Value).ToList();
foreach (var data in lstAddress)
but above routine can parse the formula like (W2/R2)-1 AND W23-U23
So i thought i am using DevExpress Spread sheet control. so just curious to know that Spread sheet control has any function where i will pass my complex formula and that function will return all cell address as a list of string ?
if Spread sheet control does not have this functionality then please tell me what component exist in devexpress library which can do the job what i am looking for. i am using DXperience Subscription.
it is very urgent please guide me how to achieve my goal. if any 3rd party free library does this job then mention the name too.