Hi Team,
I have created a Recurring Schedule and edited one occurrence. The Query start and Query End date of changed occurrence showing the occurrence start and end date(as shown in the attachment). Is this is the expected behavior?
Hello Litty,
Yes, this behavior is correct. Once you modified an occurrence, it is extracted from the series of appointments determined by a pattern appointment. This is why, this occurrence's QueryStart and QueryEnd properties do not contain values from that pattern and are equal to the Start/End properties.
Thank you
Hi again, Litty.
Our team discussed the current operation of the QueryStart and QueryEnd properties in changed and deleted occurrences and found scenarios where it can lead to incorrect results when data is retrieved from the database for a certain interval. We will additionally research these scenarios and will update this thread as soon as we consider changes that will enhance operation of these properties. You will receive corresponding notifications of our updates.
May I mark this thread public so that other customers can find this thread?
sure…Thanks for the update.