Bug Report T874430
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GridControl clear filter strange behavior inside LookupEdit (window frozen)

created 5 years ago (modified 4 years ago)


I have the following scenario: I have a dialog, which has inside multiple LookupEdits and also other controls. Inside a lookup edit there is a GridControl which allows filtering by default.

If I open a LookupEdit, set some filtering on the grid, then reopen it and try to clear the filters, my dialog gets blocked. Also when I manage to reopen again the LookupEdit and look into the column filter popup items list, their text is empty now (items still there, but no display text).

I can manage to unfreeze my window by getting the mouse out of it and back again.

I have attached the source code.

Here is also a link to a video that shows how I reproduced it: https://www.loom.com/share/06c1998abd1e4358bbb78f0f8707f774. The random number generator was added on the dialog just for the purpose of showing that the whole window froze.

This can be reproduced also if I put all the content in the main window and not in a separate window. It's also reproducible for latest stable version

Thank you!

Best regards,

Show previous comments (2)
Dima (DevExpress Support) 4 years ago

    Hello Sergiu,

    Do you mind if I make this ticket public so that other users can find it?

      Hello Dima,

      Sure, sorry for late response

      Have a nice day!

      DevExpress Support Team 4 years ago

        Hello Sergiu,
        Thank you for getting back to us. I marked this ticket public and removed your original attachment since the same issue seems to occur in our demos.

        Answers approved by DevExpress Support

        created 3 years ago

        According to our research, the overall cause of this issue is that we capture mouse events when you open an editor/filter popup to close this popup if you click outside of it. When a dropdown appears within another dropdown, different issues may appear.

        We concluded that it would be necessary to switch to a different mechanism for a proper fix. This, in turn, may lead to new breaking changes and issues in existing projects. Thus, we decided to disable column filtering in LookUpEdit in order not to introduce new issues. We created a breaking change for this: Column filtering is now disabled in LookUpEdit. Please refer to it for more information.

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