Ticket T867142
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XAF Blazor - How to implement a QR / barcode scanner using a camera of a mobile device

created 5 years ago

Hello, will the 20.1 release support any method to allow external plugins like in this https://community.devexpress.com/blogs/xaf/archive/2017/06/29/how-to-use-a-barcode-scanner-in-xaf-mobile.aspx ?
Thank you, Paolo

Show previous comments (9)

    Hi all, I've created an application that read a barcode and open the related product, as you can see in the attached video. With a specific javascript library and the DxGalley component is relative simple to implement a barcode scanner in a XAF Blazor app ;)

    DevExpress Support Team 3 years ago

      Hi Emanuele,

      Thank you for your reply. We will appreciate it if you can share your solution or more detailed steps/tricks to implement this usage scenario. This will help other users who may encounter this issue.


      PL PL
      Paolo Liverani 3 years ago

        Hello Emanuele,
        that is really nice!!!
        Could you explain how you managed that?
        Thank you, Paolo
        PS: sei italiano?

        Answers approved by DevExpress Support

        created 3 years ago (modified 3 years ago)

        Hi all,

        the solution is simply based on this ticket https://supportcenter.devexpress.com/ticket/details/t943982 and others.
        Basically, I've created a custom View Item for the "cam open" button, then I added the custom View Item to a Dashboard View.


        using DevExpress.ExpressApp; using DevExpress.ExpressApp.Blazor; using DevExpress.ExpressApp.Editors; using DevExpress.ExpressApp.Model; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components; using System; namespace MyProject.Module.Blazor.Editors { public interface IModelBarcodeCamDVI : IModelViewItem { } [ViewItem(typeof(IModelBarcodeCamDVI))] public class BarcodeCamDVI : ViewItem { public class DxButtonHolder : IComponentContentHolder { private readonly View currentView; public DxButtonHolder(View _currentView) { this.currentView = _currentView; } RenderFragment IComponentContentHolder.ComponentContent => RazorComponents.BarcodeCamButton.Create(currentView); } public BarcodeCamDVI(IModelViewItem model, Type objectType) : base(objectType, model.Id) { } protected override object CreateControlCore() => new DxButtonHolder(this.View); } }


        using Microsoft.JSInterop; using System; namespace MyProject.Module.Blazor.Editors { public class ArticoloGetInvokeHelper { private Action<SearchItemArticolo> action; public ArticoloGetInvokeHelper(Action<SearchItemArticolo> action) { this.action = action; } [JSInvokable] public void SearchRecordCaller(SearchItemArticolo param) { this.action.Invoke(param); } } public class SearchItemArticolo { public string Barcode { get; set; } } }

        Next, I created a new Navigation Item for the Dashboard View, and a razor component containing the gallery and the DxButton elements:


        ... <h3>BarcodeCamButton</h3> <DxButton Text="Apri Fotocamera" Click="Button_Click" /> <div id="gallery"></div> <div id="scanStatus"></div> ... @code { [Parameter] public View View { get; set; } private IObjectSpace objectSpace; // protected async void Button_Click(MouseEventArgs e) { var app = ApplicationProvider.GetApplication(); IList<Articolo> Articoli = objectSpace.GetObjects<Articolo>(); await JSRuntime.InvokeVoidAsync("ScannerFunctions.StartCamStreaming", DotNetObjectReference.Create(articoloGetInvokeHelper)); } private Editors.ArticoloGetInvokeHelper articoloGetInvokeHelper; // protected override void OnInitialized() { articoloGetInvokeHelper = new Editors.ArticoloGetInvokeHelper(SearchRecord); } // protected override async Task OnAfterRenderAsync(bool firstRender) { objectSpace = View.ObjectSpace; } // private async void SearchRecord(Editors.SearchItemArticolo param) { //var obj = objectSpace.GetObjectByKey<Articolo>(param.Key); var obj = objectSpace.GetObjects<Articolo>().FirstOrDefault(a => a.Barcode == param.Barcode); if (obj == null) { await JSRuntime.InvokeVoidAsync("ScannerFunctions.ShowScanStatus", $"Barcode {param.Barcode} not found"); return; } var app = ApplicationProvider.GetApplication(); IObjectSpace objSpace = app.CreateObjectSpace(typeof(Articolo)); Articolo art = objSpace.GetObject<Articolo>(obj); if (art != null) { DetailView createdView = app.CreateDetailView(objSpace, art); createdView.ViewEditMode = ViewEditMode.View; app.MainWindow.SetView(createdView); } } // void IDisposable.Dispose() { objectSpace?.Dispose(); } public static RenderFragment Create(View view) =>@<BarcodeCamButton View=@view />; ... }

        Finally, in the Javascript code I implemented the cam functions (start, close, restart etc.) using (in my case) the external library ZXing:
        The gallery content (cam streams) come from Navigator.mediaDevices:

        var gallery = []; navigator.mediaDevices.enumerateDevices().then(function (devices) { ... for (var i = 0; i < devices.length; i++) { gallery.push(devices[i]); } ... $("#gallery").dxGallery({ dataSource: gallery, ... });

        If you are interested, I could try to create a sample project with this functionality and share it with you (after correcting and fixing all the code I have implemented now ;)) or enrich the synthetic explanation above.
        Ps: ciao Paolo, sì sono italiano! :D

        Best regards!

          Show previous comments (2)
          Dennis Garavsky (DevExpress) 3 years ago

            Thank you for sharing your code with other XAFers, Emanuele.

            PL PL
            Paolo Liverani 3 years ago

              Hello Emanuele,
              I have tried it: quite smart your implementation!
              You have added a great feature to XAF.
              Thank you very much, Paolo

                Thanks to Emanuele for sharing the code.
                Very usefull.

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