Bug Report T865693
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We have closed this ticket because another page addresses its subject:

Performance - The “Pull Member Up” provider slows down

Coderush very slow gathering suggestions (best part of a minute!)

created 5 years ago (modified 5 years ago)

[DevExpress Support Team: CLONED FROM T864868: Coderush very slow gathering suggestions (best part of a minute!)]

I also have the same problem occurring on two different machines. I have a hotkey bound to Show Smart Tags, and I frequently use it to resolve namespaces. It's also the same menu that shows CodeRush refactorings. I disabled CodeRush and restarted Visual Studio, and the resolve namespace refactor shows up immediately without waiting for "Gathering Suggestions". I re-enabled CodeRush, restart VS, and do the same refactor, and it delays for 20 seconds. If I use the mouse then built-in "Show potential fixes" is immediate, but the whole point of using hot keys is to avoid moving to the mouse and VS's hotkey for show-potential fixes doesn't work the same way unless the mouse tooltip is visible.

I don't recall where the option for CodeRush to async populate this menu is anymore and haven't been able to find it to make sure it's still set, but it doesn't appear that I have that set since it's no longer async.

I have followed your instructions for making the explicit logs. The explicit log file did not appear until after I closed Visual Studio. I have attached my log folder.

Comments (3)
Przemyslaw Wlodarczak (DevExpress) 5 years ago


    Thank you for the logs. We found the culprit and are working on the fix. Please bear with us.

      Good deal. I hope you have a fix or hotfix released soon because this issue is causing me frequent problems.

      If you know of a workaround aside that isn't just disabling CodeRush altogether then let me know.

      PW PW
      Przemyslaw Wlodarczak (DevExpress) 5 years ago


        The root cause turned out to be the same as in Simpone's case. So I will mark this ticket back as a duplicate.
        A temporary workaround is to disable the "Pull Member Up" refactoring:

        • open the CodeRush Options window (CTRL+SHIFT+ALT+O).
        • navigate to the Editor->C#->Code Actions->Code Actions Catalog page.
        • find and disable the "Pull Member Up" refactoring.

        Answers approved by DevExpress Support

        created 5 years ago

        We linked a duplicate ticket that describes a similar case: T864868: Coderush very slow gathering suggestions (best part of a minute!)

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