Hi support,
I have a strange behavior in my project.
I'm using the ribbon with the SupportNonClientDrawing=true.
The caption of my main form has a strange Font (seems Sans Serif).
See the picture in attachment
If I set the SupportNonClientDrawing=false the title of the form is correct.
I tried to change all the fonts without success. Even in my dfm file (as text) there is no Sans Serif font inside (only tahoma).
If I create a new project and I copy and past all the controls of my first project I don't have the same issue.
This is an old project that I migrated from D7 to XE7 and now to Delphi Rio 10.3 and from various version of DevExpress.
Now I'm using the 19.1.6.
Can you help me?
Thanks in advance
Hello Sonia,
It is difficult to determine the cause of this behavior without examining a sample project. I suggest that you place a break point into the TdxRibbonPainter.DrawRibbonFormCaptionText method of the dxRibbon.pas unit and trace the source code to see why this font is used.
If this does not help, please provide us with a sample project so that we can examine it on our side.