in the event
PrivateSub VGridControl1_CellValueChanged(sender AsObject, e As CellValueChangedEventArgs) Handles VGridControl1.CellValueChanged
I get error "Cannot provide the value: host value not found " when I try to access e.value property
I have attached screenshot of designer
Hi Jerzy,
We did not receive similar reports earlier. I searched for this exception on the web and found that this issue usually occurs in VB projects in Visual Studio 2019. Take a look at the following resources in this regard:
DateTime.Now = Cannot provide the value: host value not found - MSDN
Debug in Visual Basic - MSDN
DateTime.Now = Cannot provide the value: host value not found - Stackoverlow
So, I would recommend you try the workaround suggested in these threads and change your AssemblyInfo.vb file.
If this still does not help, please describe the issue in greater detail. Also, provide us with a couple of images and a simple example to illustrate the problematic behavior and specify your version of Visual Studio.