Breaking Change T838220
Visible to All Users

Editors with masks allow end users to select any text parts they want

In versions prior to v20.1, our editors automatically updated their selection to highlight a clicked editable part.

<dxe:TextEdit EditValue="12" Mask="## km" MaskType="Numeric" MaskUseAsDisplayFormat="True" /> <dxe:TextEdit EditValue="1/1/2001" Mask="d" MaskType="DateTime" MaskUseAsDisplayFormat="True" />

We adjusted our selection mechanism to let end users select and copy custom ranges.

If a user selects two or more editable parts and enters a value, the leftmost selected part is updated.

To return to the previous behavior, set the attached MaskOptions.UpdateSelectionOnMouseUp property to true.

<dxe:TextEdit dxe:MaskOptions.UpdateSelectionOnMouseUp="True" .../>

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