Breaking Change T838219
Visible to All Users

The structure of .NET Core packages has been changed to provide packages per product

We adjusted the structure of our NuGet packages for .NET Core to provide packages per product, so that our customers can reference only required assemblies.

Below is a list of new packages. Most of them correspond to our redistributable assembly names.

  • DevExpress.WindowsDesktop.Mvvm.DataModel
  • DevExpress.WindowsDesktop.Mvvm.DataModel.EFCore
  • DevExpress.WindowsDesktop.Mvvm.ViewModel
  • DevExpress.WindowsDesktop.Wpf.Accordion
  • DevExpress.WindowsDesktop.Wpf.Controls
  • DevExpress.WindowsDesktop.Wpf.Core.Extensions
  • DevExpress.WindowsDesktop.Wpf.Docking
  • DevExpress.WindowsDesktop.Wpf.Grid.Printing - unlike the DevExpress.WindowsDesktop.Wpf.Grid package, this package does not contain the DevExpress.Xpf.ExpressionEditor.v19.2 assembly and its dependencies.
  • DevExpress.WindowsDesktop.Wpf.Layout.Core
  • DevExpress.WindowsDesktop.Wpf.LayoutControl
  • DevExpress.WindowsDesktop.Wpf.NavBar
  • DevExpress.WindowsDesktop.Wpf.Ribbon

We also modified the following packages:

  • DevExpress.WindowsDesktop.Wpf.Core no longer contains the DevExpress.Xpf.Core.v19.2.Extensions assembly.
  • DevExpress.WindowsDesktop.Wpf.Layout now contains only references to the DevExpress.WindowsDesktop.Wpf.Docking and DevExpress.WindowsDesktop.Wpf.LayoutControl packages.
  • DevExpress.WindowsDesktop.Wpf.Navigation now contains only references to DevExpress.WindowsDesktop.Wpf.Accordion and DevExpress.WindowsDesktop.Wpf.Controls, and no longer contains the DevExpress.Xpf.NavBar.v19.2, DevExpress.Xpf.Ribbon.v19.2, DevExpress.Xpf.Docking.v19.2, and DevExpress.Xpf.Layout.v19.2.Core assemblies.

If you use any of these modified packages but not DevExpress.WindowsDesktop.Wpf, you may need to add packages for missing products to your application.

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