Ticket T829453
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VS 2019 reports CodeRush is slowing typing

created 5 years ago (modified 5 years ago)

[DevExpress Support Team: CLONED FROM T745094: VS 2019 reports coderush is slowing typing]

Hi Dmitry,

I am having the same issues as Kevin with CodeRush slow performance.

I attached the CR and VS logs in the same zip file.

I am running VS Enterprise 2019 v16.3.7 and CR v19.2.3.

Please feel free to move this to a new ticket if you consider it.


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Przemyslaw Wlodarczak (DevExpress) 5 years ago

    Martin, I am happy to hear that the things got better now.
    It would be awesome if you could collect perfview traces with the new CodeRush bits. Please do the following:

    1. Download the PerfView tool from Microsoft.
    2. Start Visual Studio with the activity log enabled (include the /log command line option).
    3. Run the PerfView tool with the "Perfview.exe collect trace.etl /BufferSizeMB=1024 -CircularMB:2048 -Merge:true -Providers:*Microsoft-VisualStudio:@StacksEnabled=true -NoV2Rundown /kernelEvents=default+FileIOInit+ContextSwitch+Dispatcher" command.
    4. Work inside Visual Studio until the slowdown appears (ideally - until the yellow bar referring to CodeRush shows up).
    5. Click the Stop Collection button.
    6. Wait until the data is merged and trace.etl.zip appears in the PerfView window inside the tree view.
    7. Right-click it and choose "Open".
    8. Upload the zip file and Visual Studio activity log to us. The ActivityLog.xml file can be found in the %APPDATA%\Microsoft\VisualStudio\vs_instance_id folder
      Here are the FTP server details
      Server:                   downloads.devexpress.com
      User:                      UPLOAD
      Password:             HEREYOUARE

    I am looking forward to hearing from you.

      Today I have seen there is an update to Visual Studio (version 16. 4.2) where in the What's New there is this:
      Top Issues Fixed in Visual Studio 2019 version 16.4.2• …
      • Fixed a frequent UI delay that can occur while using the editor.
      • …
      I have updated and between the new CR version and VS thing (initially) seem to be back to normal :-)

      I'll keep you informed. If I have any further problems I'll send you the logs you mention.

      Many thanks for your help.

      PW PW
      Przemyslaw Wlodarczak (DevExpress) 5 years ago

        You are welcome, Martin. Thank you for the feedback.

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