Ticket T824136
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How to hide the second Series when unchecking the first Series item in the Legend panel

created 5 years ago (modified 5 years ago)

[DevExpress Support Team: CLONED FROM T824046: Chartcontrol Compare data of two date range within one chart]

The start point is: I have two list, with 2 date range (oct.7-10  oct.13-16), with the same data structure (my object like: Date Clicks Impressions).

i need legends for the series in the next way: one legend point is this : Impressions, and when i unclick this legend item, both of the two Impression series should be hided.

You can see the example on the attached image (y-axis is the number of impressions, and the x-axis the 2 different date).


Answers approved by DevExpress Support

created 5 years ago


To accomplish this task, use the Binding expression (TwoWay) to link the Series.CheckedInLegend property of the first Series to the second one.

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