Ticket T822517
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How to produce a web link that shows a DetailView with "Anonymous" logged in user

created 5 years ago (modified 5 years ago)

[DevExpress Support Team: CLONED FROM T444721: How to produce a web link that shows a DetailView of a certain object without authentication]

Dear supporters,
How can this be done with "Anonymous" LoggedIn User?
So in my case 'SecuritySystem.IsAuthenticated' allways returns true
and the WindowController will not work anymore.
Does anyone has a hint, how to solve that problem?
Yours Thomas

Comments (3)
DevExpress Support Team 5 years ago

    Hello Thomas,

    If your goal is just to open a specific ListView or DetailView using a parameter provided in a web link, subscribe to the Frame_TemplateChanged and RegisterCardOwnerController_ViewChanged events without checking the IsAuthenticated property. In the RegisterCardOwnerController_ViewChanged event handler, check if the HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString property contains a custom parameter. If so, display a View manually.

    If your scenario is different or this solution does not work, please describe the issue in greater detail. It will be helpful if you provide a sample project demonstrating the issue.

    TV TV
    Thomas Vetterling 5 years ago

      Hello Uriah,

      surely i could take the condition SecuritySystem.IsAuthenticated away, but then it comes to a loop,
      and the template which is used is not the Login-Template (because an Anonymous-User is already logged in).
      so the LogonController is not available anymore in the WindowController and an error occurs again.

      I want to a View with two textfields "NewPassword" and "Confirm Password" after a user has sended a link to 'change' his Password.

      Shall i use ShowStrategy.ShowViewInPopup for such a Dialog?



      DevExpress Support Team 5 years ago

        Hello Thomas,

        Yes, please use regular Ways to Show a View. This approach should work since you allow anonymous logon.

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