Ticket T750909
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Templates - How to create recursive templates with conditions

created 6 years ago

[DevExpress Support Team: CLONED FROM T750705: Templates - The ForEach command can be applied only once for some reason]

  1. Is if possible to iterate recursively class properties in foreach statement and run template for Icollection public properties? I need some reflection functionality inside template - if yes - can you please show an example how to do this?

Answers approved by DevExpress Support

created 6 years ago

You should create few templates and one of them will be the entry point.

For example, the template which will be iteratde by properties in the class from the clipboard:

Name: start Body: «ForEach(property in clipClass,#ProcessProperty#)»

The ProcessProperty template with additional context which will be called only if the type of the current property implements the ICollection interface:

Name: #PropessProperty# Body: «:#ProcessDefault#» «ForEach(property in «?Get(itemType)»,#ProcessProperty#)»«FieldStart»«Link()»«FieldEnd» Context: [TypeImplements(«?Get(itemType)»,System.Collections.ICollection)]

The ProcessProperty template without any contexts which will be called if the condition for the previous template is not satisfied:

Name: #ProcessProperty# Body: «:#ProcessDefault#»

And the last template which will be called to show information about current property:

Name: #ProcessDefault# Body: «?Get(itemName)» = default(«Field(«?Get(itemType)»)»); // «?Get(itemType)» «?Get(itemName)»

I hope this information will helpful for you.

    Comments (1)
    DevExpress Support Team 6 years ago

      Hello Aleksander,

      Just wanted to check whether or not the solution we provided meets your requirements.  Did you have a chance to try the template I provided?  Does this approach work as expected in your scenario?

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