Bug Report T742223
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Dashboards - XAF doesn't allow storing credentials in Dashboard's XML content

created 6 years ago

Hi Devexpress,

Although I see so many threads mentioned about this, I am also struggling into how to store a credential in Dashboard xml, using XAF

this is my implementation in Module.Win:

public class DashboardDesignerController : ObjectViewController<ObjectView, IDashboardData> { protected override void OnActivated() { base.OnActivated(); WinShowDashboardDesignerController showDashboardDesignerController = Frame.GetController<WinShowDashboardDesignerController>(); if (showDashboardDesignerController != null) showDashboardDesignerController.DashboardDesignerManager.DashboardDesignerCreated += DashboardDesignerManager_DashboardDesignerCreated; } private void DashboardDesignerManager_DashboardDesignerCreated(object sender, DashboardDesignerShownEventArgs e) { //this part... e.DashboardDesigner.DataSourceWizard.ShowConnectionsFromAppConfig = false; e.DashboardDesigner.DataSourceWizard.SqlWizardSettings.DatabaseCredentialsSavingBehavior = DevExpress.DataAccess.Wizard.SensitiveInfoSavingBehavior.Always; } protected override void OnDeactivated() { WinShowDashboardDesignerController showDashboardDesignerController = Frame.GetController<WinShowDashboardDesignerController>(); if (showDashboardDesignerController != null) showDashboardDesignerController.DashboardDesignerManager.DashboardDesignerCreated -= DashboardDesignerManager_DashboardDesignerCreated; base.OnDeactivated(); } }

But I get this after saved to the database:

select content from dashboarddata
<Connection Name="localhost_mydbname_Connection" FromAppConfig="true" />

I set the breakpoint at DashboardDesignerManager_DashboardDesignerCreated(), and it seems to be fired correctly during press new button.
and those properties are set correctly. However, the db content is not.

Please suggest what should be fixed.

Show previous comments (1)
Andrey K (DevExpress Support) 6 years ago


    Thank you for your patience. We found the cause of this behavior and will discuss it further. We will update this thread once we have any news. For now, use the following DashboardDesignerManager descendant:

    using DevExpress.ExpressApp; using DevExpress.Persistent.Base; using DevExpress.ExpressApp.Dashboards.Win; using DevExpress.DashboardCommon; namespace dxT742223.Module.Win.Controllers { public class DashboardDesignerManagerEx : DashboardDesignerManager { public DashboardDesignerManagerEx(XafApplication application) : base(application) { } protected override void ProcessDashboardBeforeSaving(Dashboard dashboard) { //base.ProcessDashboardBeforeSaving(dashboard); } } public class DashboardDesignerController : ObjectViewController<ObjectView, IDashboardData> { protected override void OnActivated() { base.OnActivated(); WinShowDashboardDesignerController showDashboardDesignerController = Frame.GetController<WinShowDashboardDesignerController>(); if(showDashboardDesignerController != null){ showDashboardDesignerController.DashboardDesignerManager = new DashboardDesignerManagerEx(Application); showDashboardDesignerController.DashboardDesignerManager.DashboardDesignerCreated += DashboardDesignerManager_DashboardDesignerCreated; } } private void DashboardDesignerManager_DashboardDesignerCreated(object sender, DashboardDesignerShownEventArgs e) { //this part... e.DashboardDesigner.DataSourceWizard.ShowConnectionsFromAppConfig = false; e.DashboardDesigner.DataSourceWizard.SqlWizardSettings.DatabaseCredentialsSavingBehavior = DevExpress.DataAccess.Wizard.SensitiveInfoSavingBehavior.Always; } protected override void OnDeactivated() { WinShowDashboardDesignerController showDashboardDesignerController = Frame.GetController<WinShowDashboardDesignerController>(); if(showDashboardDesignerController != null) showDashboardDesignerController.DashboardDesignerManager.DashboardDesignerCreated -= DashboardDesignerManager_DashboardDesignerCreated; base.OnDeactivated(); } } }


      Hi Andrey,

      It is working as expected.

      Should I use this as a permanent solution, or wait for any updates?


      Andrey K (DevExpress Support) 6 years ago


        Thank you for keeping us informed. You can use this temporary solution now. Once we have any updates, we will notify you here.


        Answers approved by DevExpress Support

        created 6 years ago (modified a year ago)

        We have fixed the issue described in this ticket and will include the fix in our next maintenance update. To apply this solution before the official update, request a hotfix by clicking the corresponding link for product versions you require.

        Note: Hotfixes may be unavailable for beta versions and updates that are about to be released.

        Additional information:

        To allow storing credentials in a database, set the SqlWizardSettings.DatabaseCredentialsSavingBehavior property to a corresponding value. To access a SqlWizardSettings instance, use the following constructor.

        using DevExpress.ExpressApp; using DevExpress.Persistent.Base; using DevExpress.ExpressApp.Dashboards.Win; namespace dxT742223.Module.Win.Controllers { public class DashboardDesignerController : ObjectViewController<ObjectView, IDashboardData> { protected override void OnActivated() { base.OnActivated(); WinShowDashboardDesignerController showDashboardDesignerController = Frame.GetController<WinShowDashboardDesignerController>(); if(showDashboardDesignerController != null){ showDashboardDesignerController.DashboardDesignerManager.DashboardDesignerCreated += DashboardDesignerManager_DashboardDesignerCreated; } } private void DashboardDesignerManager_DashboardDesignerCreated(object sender, DashboardDesignerShownEventArgs e) { e.DashboardDesigner.DataSourceWizard.SqlWizardSettings.DatabaseCredentialsSavingBehavior = DevExpress.DataAccess.Wizard.SensitiveInfoSavingBehavior.Always; } protected override void OnDeactivated() { WinShowDashboardDesignerController showDashboardDesignerController = Frame.GetController<WinShowDashboardDesignerController>(); if(showDashboardDesignerController != null) showDashboardDesignerController.DashboardDesignerManager.DashboardDesignerCreated -= DashboardDesignerManager_DashboardDesignerCreated; base.OnDeactivated(); } } }
          Comments (1)
          Andrey K (DevExpress Support) 6 years ago


            I added the info about how to save credentials in a database to the answer. Please refer to it and let me know if you have any further questions.


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