Ticket T732142
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DateEdit - How to show only a month and a year in a drop-down calendar

created 6 years ago

Is there a way to allow only Month and Year to be selected and displayed in a DateEdit.  I have the Edit Format set to "y" which seems to display the Month Year correctly, but the year and month navigation buttons do not function.  Any help would be appreciated.


Answers approved by DevExpress Support

created 6 years ago

Hi Mike,

To show only a month and a year in a drop-down calendar, set the DateEdit.Properties.VistaCalendarViewStyle property to YearView:

Visual Basic
dateEdit1.Properties.Mask.EditMask = "Y" dateEdit1.Properties.Mask.UseMaskAsDisplayFormat = True dateEdit1.Properties.VistaCalendarViewStyle = DevExpress.XtraEditors.VistaCalendarViewStyle.YearView

Please try it and let us know your results.

    Show previous comments (1)
    DevExpress Support Team 6 years ago

      I tried to reproduce the issue, but all my attempts were unsuccessful. I have created a simple project based on your description and it works properly on my side. Would you please modify it to illustrate the issue?
      Also make sure that in your case, MaxValue does not equal MinValue. This may be the cause of this behavior.
      I look forward to your reply.

        I was able to find the issue with your max min value suggestion.  The dateedit was in a userControl that had designer code that initialized these values incorrectly.


        DevExpress Support Team 6 years ago

          I am happy to hear that the issue has been resolved.
          Please feel free to contact us in case of any questions.

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