I'm trying to see how drag and drop works, but the CXGRID drag and drop demo is unusable for me. I am very, very impressed that you have created the "DragDropDemoMain" cxgrid without any Views. I don't know how you load the views into the grid and i don't really care. I care about trying to track down the mechanisms of the drag and drop, and without having a view connected to a event that's not so easy.
I also want to find out how the DataController.FocusedRecordIndex; is connected to the key of my underlying database, but that is hard because then by a lot of reverse engineering i have to somehow find out the field list from the XML document that is loaded into the clientdatasets…
In essence, i have to spend A LOT of time on reverse engineering just to understand your demos before i can get started with the drag and drop.
Som what i need is some simple demo for drag and drop between cxgrid and treview and a goodand USABLE explanation of how to IMPLEMENT the DataController.FocusedRecordIndex (not just another "explanation" that is technically correct but don't explain anything) .
Regards, Pär.