Ticket T726615
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Smart semicolon not working in 18.2.8

created 6 years ago

I've seen this has been a problem since version 16 and have also seen it rear its ugly head there after (after reading through the KB).

However, I'm have the same problem in my newly downloaded version 18.2.8 … very disappointing.

Attached is a movie that illustrates what is happening.

Thanks for your attention to this matter.

C. T. Blankenship

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Przemyslaw Wlodarczak (DevExpress) 6 years ago


    Hlyn, thank you for your findings. I've created a separate ticket on your behalf (T738340: Setup Wizard - setting for Smart Semicolon is not persisted).

    Charles, can you confirm that the Smart semicolon works for you at the statement level?

    CB CB
    Charles Blankenship 6 years ago

      It seems to be working for me once I did what Hlyn suggested.

      PW PW
      Przemyslaw Wlodarczak (DevExpress) 6 years ago

        I am glad that everything is working for you now. Thank you for letting us know!

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