[DevExpress Support Team: CLONED FROM T721395: Code Places - can I move it to right margin]
I'm piggybacking this question here.
Please help me to understanding what I'm missing about Code Places. It doesn't seem to do any more than what the VS Solution Explorer already does. Solution Explorer already shows all the fields, properties and methods in the current code window as well as the project/solution. In fact, I can open a code window and look at Code Places and Solution Explorer and they show exactly the same thing. I can click on any field, property or method and the focus and caret moves to that place in the code window. What am I missing? Thanks.
The "local history" icon is VERY useful when looking around code and not having to remember all the names of the one you looked at recently, very useful when debugging.
Hopefully they will add other features to it in the upcoming releases - I use a 3rd party extension at the moment that has more features than Code Places currently has - e.g. user defined "mini" views, collapsing / opening all the regions button, better icons for the list - e.g. would be useful to show EVENT type icons - button_Click on WinForms etc.
Hopefully the more they add the better it will be, it's just the start of it at the moment :)
3. Oh And the Global history list for viewing all the areas you've recently been too.
Hi Alan,
Thank you for your valuable assistance. It's greatly appreciated.