As you might know, when we try to add columns to an DevExpress.XtraEditors.LookUpEdit control, it will add LookUpColumnInfo per each column. Constructor of this class have many parameters (some optional parameters also), one of them is fieldName. This parameter is not a designTime property (that it should be) so it cause an issue. whenever we try to create resource file, it generate an entry for fieldName in resource file. (not as a designTime properties, with “>>” ( >>) in front of its name).
FieldName is an identical value that referts to name of field in datasource then it should be a designTime property.
It is critical for us to solve this issue. Is that possible for you to correct it (using the DesignerSerializationVisibility for this parameter could be a solution)
Hello Jess,
Thank you for sharing these details.
I reproduced this behavior and now I need additional time to discuss it with my team. Please stay tuned. We will update this thread once we obtain any results.