Hi Guys
I have a show stopper problem and am hoping you guys can help.
This issue is simple using our current grid provider but doesnt appear to be supported by DEV express
I have a data table made up of three columns…(in real life its actually a lot more but for this issue i only need to demonstrate 3)
GroupGroupHeader RowGUID SelfReferenceID
Application 1 1
Application 2 2
Application 3 2
Application 4 4
Application 5 4
Application 6 4
It should display in a grid something like the following
Application as a group
3 (record 3 "belongs" to record 2 as its self reference key is 2)
5 (record 5 "belongs" to record 4 as its self reference key is 4)
6 (record 6 "belongs" to record 4 as its self reference key is 4) etc
Unfortunately my reading of the support tickets suggest this carnt be done in the Dev Express grid control.
Perhaps Im missing something