Ticket T700743
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CodeRush Bugs

created 6 years ago

One of the big reasons that I have been such a huge proponent of CodeRush all of these years has been your region painting - that one feature alone dramatically improved my productivity when looking at complex code.

It used to work super well.  However, we finally upgraded all of our developers to VS 2017 - which means finally moving to your revamped version of CodeRush.  It does a lot well - but the Region handing is extremely buggy.

I have documented a few specific bugs below but it would be great if we could see this functionality get back to the stability that we saw in previous versions.  In general, moving between regions is just not as predictable as it used to be.  Previously, I would move from region to region with my arrow keys, pressing the space bar to open and close each one.  Now it seems like the caret will sometimes end up at a random point inside of the region, making it so that space bar adds a space instead of expanding the region.

Here are some other issues:
Inconsistent behavior when keying up and down – sometimes it highlights the whole line and other times it turns grey – neither of which is correct.
If it does randomly highlight the region and you start typing (or press the space bar to expand which is what I normally do) the entire thing gets deleted:
When you are horizontally scrolled the region gets repeated:
Region lines not painted all the way to the right:

Comments (3)

    Thank you!

    DevExpress Support Team 6 years ago

      You are welcome.

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