Hi, after updating to 2018.2.4 of CR for Roslyn the IDE is unusable… continuously blocking the interaction with the editor (see image).
IDE version VS 2017 the latest… 15.9.3
Hi, after updating to 2018.2.4 of CR for Roslyn the IDE is unusable… continuously blocking the interaction with the editor (see image).
IDE version VS 2017 the latest… 15.9.3
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The slow down might be caused by the Rich Comments feature.
We have already made several fixes in this regard. Please try the following daily build, which addresses this issue:
It contains performance improvements in the Rich Comment feature.
Please let me know how it works.
Alternatively, I would also suggest you try to disable the Rich Comments feature.
Follow these steps to get to the Rich Comments options page:
Editor\All Languages
Thank you… at the moment I preferred disabling "Rich comments", and it worked for me. Thanks.
Thank you for the confirmation that disabling Rich Comments solves the issue.