[DevExpress Support Team: CLONED FROM T694717: XAF Security: Access Objects in Non-XAF Application using integrated security from XAF]
Hello again :D
So again, thanks for your time.
Now after review me and my team decided something. Reading Permissions in non-XAF works fine.
But what we don't want is to write manually to the XAF-Database in which the security settings (PermissionPolicyRole, PermissionPolicyUser, etc.) are saved.
What we want to do instead is to access the Target Type in Type Permissions in the XAF application (I attached a screenshot).
They told me that if we can trick the system to also add businessobjects from the non-XAF app to this Target Type List then everything else should work automatically because it treats the Object as the others (like Role and User for example) .
We think then it will save all settings like Role Permissions etc. for this object like it does for the Role and User Objects.
My question now is: Is it possible to add own Type properties to this in a non-XAF app and then choose those Properties in the XAF-Security application?
I've already read this: https://documentation.devexpress.com/eXpressAppFramework/113579/Concepts/Business-Model-Design/Data-Types-Supported-by-built-in-Editors/Type-Properties
But to me it seems like this is only achievable in the same application where you're gonna start the Dialog with the combo box controller.
Thanks already,
Best regards