Ticket T675344
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CodeRush assemblies cannot be loaded from native images after NGen

created 6 years ago

[DevExpress Support Team: CLONED FROM T674277: CodeRush v.18.1.11 NGEN window does not appear in my VS]
I removed the xml file again and restarted VS. I chose the always NGen option (the middle one) and waited patiently for the NGen Icon to process the files.

Then, I restarted VS once again. This time only 8 dll where native.

I'm about to give up. I spent to much time trying to make this feature work. It has been frustrating.

When you have a version that works all the time I will try again.

Thanks for you support.

Eduardo Quintan

Show previous comments (12)
Alex Eg (DevExpress) 6 years ago

    We have prepared a special build containing additional logging and changes to avoid hanging:
    Please perform previously mentioned steps and share your log files. Note that the NGenInstaller tool can take much time to complete (about an hour, but all work is done in background and shouldn't impact the performance). So please collect logs only after the tool finishes its execution. We hope that log files will shed some light on the reason of the issue. Thank your for your cooperation!

    EQ EQ
    Eduardo Quintana 6 years ago

      Thanks Alex.

      Some questions:

      Can I close VS while the NGen is running?
      Or continue to use it to develop my applications?
      Or even load another solution?
      Or, do I have to wait and do not touch VS while the tool is running?

      Eduardo Quintana

      AE AE
      Alex Eg (DevExpress) 6 years ago

        Since the native image compilation is done in a separate process (NGenInstaller.exe), you can continue your work with Visual Studio without any limitation - continue working with your solution, load other projects, close VS, run new VS instances. It's not recommended only to shut down the PC while NGenInstaller is still working.

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