Ticket T666758
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CodeRush refactoring items do not appear in the Visual Studio quick actions menu

created 7 years ago

[DevExpress Support Team: CLONED FROM T651267: coderush three dots button]
Hello George,

I have a similar problem. I have installed the most current version of CodeRush, but the CodeRush refacturing items do not appear in the default Visual Studio refactoring menu .


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DevExpress Support Team 6 years ago

    Hello Jörg,

    Did you have a chance to try the sample project I provided in my previous reply?
    Does CodeRush work as expected in this project or you are still experiencing issues with refactorings availability?

      Hello Pavel,

      sorry but I was on vacation, so it took a while to get back to this issue.
      I don't know exactly what has happened, but now it seems to work for most of the refactoring functions.

      What I am still missing is the old Coderush way to extract methods, even into other classes. Only the Visual Studio way is shown in the context menu.

      What about my my custom made selection embeddings. How can I import them in the new CodeRush?


      DevExpress Support Team 6 years ago

        Hello Jörg,

        Thank you for the update.
        I am happy to hear that CodeRush refactorings are available on your side.

        You are right; we have not ported the "Extract Method" refactoring from CodeRush Classic because Visual Studio has a similar refactoring out of the box.
        I added your request to our backlog, so we will notify you when we decide to implement this functionality in CodeRush.

        Regarding custom selection embeddings, I have created a separate ticket: Import custom selection embeddings from CodeRush Classic. We will answer it shortly.

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