Demos: Remove rows with the Ctrl+Delete shortcut | Prevent a row from being deleted
Links don't work (using Chrome)
Documentation Feedback - Demo links not working
Answers approved by DevExpress Support
Hello Andrew,
DemoCenter handles demo links starting from version 17.1. Unfortunately, DemoCenter v16.2 does not support this capability.
Thank you, Alex.
Hi Andrew,
You've recently left this comment under the "Add and Remove Rows" Data Grid documentation article. I've created this ticket on your behalf to answer your question. Should you have any questions in the future, please contact us via the Support Center.
I've tested links in this article using Chrome, Version 68.0.3440.84, and all links appear to be working. You can see these links throughout our entire documentation, and they work only if you have the DevExpress Demo Center installed. Can you please confirm whether you have the Demo Center installed on your machine? If not, I recommend that you modify your DevExpress installation to install these demos. The Data Grid demo includes multiple separate demo modules, including the "Code Examples" module that provides dozens of short interactive samples that cover major Data Grid features.
Please let me know if that information is helpful.
Thank you.
I have this installation - see attached screenshot
Thank you for the clarification.
It may have happened due to Windows policies or some other factors that have banned our installation software from accessing the Windows registry. Normally, the installation wizard creates a new key under the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\dxdemo\shell\open\command path.
That key stores the path to the DevExpress Demo Center and its default value is
"C:\Users\Public\Documents\DevExpress Demos 18.2\Components\Components\Bin\DevExpress.DemoCenter.v18.2.exe" %1
Could you please check if you have such a key (to browse the registry, press "Ctrl+R" and type in the "regedit" command) and whether it stores a correct Demo Center path? In case there is no such key, I've attached a .reg file that adds the required key to the Windows Registry.
Thanks James
There was no such key in my PC registry
* ran dxdeemo.reg
* key was added
* with Default value "URL: DXDEMO Protocol"
I modified default value to "C:\Users\Public\Documents\DevExpress Demos 16.2\Components\Components\Bin\DevExpress.DemoCenter.v16.2.exe" %1
* See attached screemsnot
* demo failed to open