Ticket T660373
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XtraReport ExportToPdf

created 7 years ago

I am creating XtraReport  on the fly it is working great. when i am using ExportToPdf function i have some reports that ExportToPdf it is now working and no answer return or error it is happening on the production.
how can i get the error it is not fall into exception or event viewer

Please help

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Yaroslav (DevExpress Support) 7 years ago

    >>I understand the problem very big files  fail when exported to csv or pdf, what is the limit size
    We do not explicitly set any limits — everything pretty much depends on your PC capabilities. You mention that you're working with large files. How large are your reports (in the number of pages)? And am I right that by "fails" you actually mean that your application runs out of the available server memory and you face the "OutOfMemory" exception? If I'm correct in my assumption, I'd say that PdfStreamingExporter is exactly what you need as this tool was specifically designed with the idea of reduced memory consumption in comparison to the standard in-memory mode.
    Would you mind giving it a try and let us know of your results?


      Thx for the answer. the problem is that i get no error it just does not proceed and i have no feed back
      for example dataset of 300,000 rows 10 rows each page is not  producing any pdf or csv or xls
      but on 20000 rows it is working
      How can i see the error?
      who catch it?

      Yaroslav (DevExpress Support) 7 years ago

        >>the problem is that i get no error it just does not proceed and i have no feed back
        Most likely, your web application crashes with the OutOfMemory exception, but it's swallowed so you don't see any response on the client's side. Or, it may appear that, for some reason, the report generation itself is extremely slow. Do you have any kind of exceptions logging module and/or performance logging module in production? I'm sure this would clarify the situation.
        By the way, did you have a chance to try that PdfStreamingExporter class I suggested above? Does it make any difference for you? If you happen to have a demo project where 300K rows are not exported (even if you try that using that PDF exporter), please share this project with us. We'll do our best to research it and provide you with an appropriate solution.


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